“I sat for the SPHR exam (first time) and I am extremely happy to say that I passed!! I really appreciate your personal guidance. That was very unexpected for me and such a great help. The HRReview materials to help prepare made all the difference. The outlines/manuals kept me on track with my studies, the audio files and flash cards kept terms and laws fresh in my mind, and the final audio review was a great summary. Working through the questions in the workbooks and online practice exams, and being able to immediately see the correct answers, allowed me to understand that I really needed to pay attention to the way questions are worded. When I started out, I was pretty frustrated because I thought I knew the answers but I was wrong because I didn’t really comprehend the questions. Practice was key for me! I’m very relieved that all my hard work paid off (on the first try) and wanted to send a sincere note of thanks.”
Jennifer, SPHR